Before School | Sonoran Sky Walkover

Valley of the Sun J 12701 N Scottsdale Rd #201, Scottsdale
$175 Members / $200 Non-Members

After School | Scottsdale Transportation

Valley of the Sun J 12701 N Scottsdale Rd #201, Scottsdale
$525 Non-Members

After School | Paradise Valley Transportation

Valley of the Sun J 12701 N Scottsdale Rd #201, Scottsdale
$525 Non-Members

After School | Wednesday

Valley of the Sun J 12701 N Scottsdale Rd #201, Scottsdale
$78 Members / $108 Non-Members

After School | Walkover

Valley of the Sun J 12701 N Scottsdale Rd #201, Scottsdale
$50 Members / $60 Non-Members

Candle Lighting at the Canal

Valley of the Sun J 12701 N Scottsdale Rd #201, Scottsdale

Celebrate Chanukah with your J family at the Scottsdale Canal Walk! Go out with a flame and start the New Year with a bang as we enjoy donuts, crafts, Chanukah songs, and, of course, candle lighting. PJ Library, Temple Chai, and Pardes Jewish Day School will also be in attendance helping us create a wonderful celebratory evening together!

$0 Non-Members